Industry Event
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Call for industrial use cases and Demos
This year the annual BNAIC/BENELEARN conference joint forces with the newly created initiative AI Research and Industry in the Greater Region to form a major venue for research and industrial innovation dedicated to AI. This event welcomes CDOs, CIOs, information managers, IT-architects, data scientists, software engineers and researchers from organisations ranging from SMEs, through non-profit organizations, public administrations to the largest companies in the world. Attendees will learn from experts from the industry and top researchers about emerging trends and topics in the fields of artificial intelligence with a particular focus on the application of AI on law, art, ethics and systems.
Scope & Audience
This call for presentation reaches out to industrials in the domains related to the topics of the AI in Action event to present industry problems, implementations of solutions, best practices and use case prototypes, to discuss AI related systems, whether you are acting as a user or a solution provider. Additionally, we explicitly encourage the submission of demos of software applications or services that show the usefulness and benefits of AI in an industrial context.
The program of the event is the perfect mix of technical and academic talks, discussions of AI related topics by people who make things work – just like you.
The conference allows your organisation to enhance and stimulate your topics and gain substantial visibility. It provides you the opportunity to meet with industrial and academic experts in AI of the Greater Region.
We do welcome submissions on the following topics across all industries (indicative list):
- Machine learning, deep learning
- Expert systems, rule-based systems and logic programming
- Ontologies and knowledge representation
- Meta-heuristics (Genetic Algorithms, Monte-Carlo, Hidden Markov Models…)
- Case-Based Reasoning
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Computer-Vision
- Chatbots, speech recognition and speech generation
- Gesture recognition
- Natural Language Processing, machine translation, text understanding
- Decision-support systems
- Robots, cobots and swarm intelligence
With applications in
- AI-based Customer relationship solutions (digital marketing, recommendation, profiling, business analytics…)
- AI-based product and services or augmentation with AI-based functionalities
- AI-enhanced core-business processes (automation, quality control, optimisation…)
- Logistics and supply-chain AI-based optimisation
- Support function such as AI-supported HR
- …
Submission Guidelines
To contribute to the conference with a presentation at AI in Action please prepare the following:
- Provide us an extended abstract of your presentation and give us relevant information about your expertise and your professional background before October 15th 2021.
- In case of inquiries please do not hesitate to contact us:
The submissions should comply with the following criteria:
- Your presentation must be relevant to industry and industrial purposes. It illustrates how AI-based technologies / solutions contribute to or improve existing businesses and / or generate new ones.
- The presented solution has already been deployed and / or has been tested in a practical environment – at least prototypically.
- The topic is well described and covers enough explanations, examples, use cases, graphics, etc.
- Novelty: The topic covered is new to your industry – not necessarily new to business in general
- Limit your abstract to two A4 pages (11pt minimum) including illustration, figures and references.
Selected abstracts will be included in the conference pre-proceedings.
Every submission will be reviewed by the Programme Committee.
All submissions should not be anonymous, i.e. they must include all author names and their affiliations.
Preparing your presentation
All accepted submissions will be granted a presentation slot of
- 20 minutes (15 min. Presentation + 5 min. Discussion).
Your benefit
Attendees will be granted access to the entire program of the AI in Action Conference (incl. BNAIC/BENELEARN and all social events). Moreover, presenters will have the possibility to expose their contributions to an audience and exchange ideas how AI-based technologies can be exploited to solve industrial problems. Besides that, your company will be visible to students looking for new opportunities.
We are looking forward to your contribution!
Industry Chairs:
Thibaud Latour (LIST) and Cédric Pruski (LIST)